When will the Train Smarter and Harder Online Certificate Course be available?
The course will be released on 1 January 2021. Practitioners can pre-order the course in advance for $600, 25% off the launch price of $800.
Will the course be accredited for Continuing Education Units (CEUs)?
Our online course is accredited with BOC for 33.75 hours of Continuing Education Units for Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Strength and Conditioning Specialists and Chiropractors. All other practitioners can receive credits by applying to their governing body.
What is the difference between the Online Certificate Course and Tim's Train Smarter and Harder Workshop?
The Online Certificate Course is based on the Train Smarter and Harder Workshop but is a significant expansion. The Online Certificate Course contains over 15 hours of video content and 10 hours of practical hands-on activities. There are four different types of lessons: video lectures, practical skills videos, hands-on activities, and online quizzes.
Will I retain access to the course forever?
Yes! There is no time limit to complete the course and the material will still be available through Thinkific. The course is therefore a great revision tool for practitioners to return back to.
Are there group discounts available?
We welcome groups from universities, sports teams, businesses, clinics and more to take part in the Online Certificate Course. Contact us to find out how we can help make the course available for your employees.